Replacement Windows Styles

When considering replacing your windows, there are many different styles and finishes to choose from. Depending on the replacement windows Chicago you choose, we’ll discuss some of your options here. In terms of design, you can choose grids on the interior, grids on the exterior, or grids on both, the exterior and interior. There are also grilles that come inside the glass, and this options tends to be more inexpensive. Replacement windows, especially in Chicago, should be able to withstand extreme temperatures, yet look nice.

Replacement Windows Styles on 03.07.2015Replacement Windows Styles on 03.07.2015 Window company in chicagoReplacement Windows Styles on 03.07.2015Replacement Windows Styles on 03.07.2015

 When it comes to glass, there are options of single pane or dual pane. Most replacement windows nowadays come standard with dual pane glass. You can also choose to have LowE and Argon Gas, although that’ll add to the cost. Just like the Grilles, you can also add patterns to the glass if you’d like. Upgrading the hardware and window and door components is always an option. Going from a standard color and design to a custom gold dust color and design are great subtle ways to dress up your windows and doors.